Friday, December 27, 2013

Well this could be an interesting turn of events!

Happy friday everyone!  I hope yall had a wonderful Christmas! We went to church on christmas eve, then to dinner with some old friends. On Christmas morning,  mom and I opened presents together, and I must parents got me some grest stuff! I know the gifts are totally not the point of Christmas,  but I have to show off a little bit....

So momma got me a monogrammed Marley Lilly clutch, which I'm OBSESSED WITH. And a pink rhinestoned flask and matching corkscrew :) She also got me the original Naked pallett. I honestly like the first one way more than Naked 2, and Naked 3 is pretty but I still wanted the original. I LOVE IT. She also got me that SpiBelt I asked for, which takes a wee bit of getting used to, but it's awesome. And yes, my mom also got me a Redneck Girl Wine Glass. I posted a more detailed picture of the paintings on it to my instragram. It's hilarious, and I can't wait to drink out of it. Ummm and it's kind of hidden but the best present she got me was the Garth Brooks "Blame It All On My Roots" box set!!!!! YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! It's got a Greatest Hit CD (2 discs), and 2 CDs of Rock and Classic Country songs that influenced him. And a DVD of his Wynn Show. And a book. I. Freaking. Love. It.

And you can also see my dad and stepmom got me a Samsung Galaxy Tab :) I asked for the most basic kindle, since it's so cheap, but they decided to surprise me with a tablet. It's sooooo nice (although it's weird going back to a Droid system when I had one for so long and then have been an iPhone user for the last year and a half). The first thing I bought on it is...

Long Survivor, by Marcus Luttrell. I can't stop reading it. I love books like this, and I wanted to read the book before I see the movie (I WILL come out from under my rock and see that movie), so I need to read fast anyway :)

Anyhoo, after we opened presents and had breakfast, we went to visit my grandma at her nursimg home. I soooooo wish my mom and I could pick her up and take her places, like to my aimt amd uncles house where we went for dinner,  but we simply cannot do it. Her wheelchair is huge and clunky and complicated to work with. Then she also has to be picked up and placed on the toilet when she needs to go, and she is not a petite old lady. Also, houses in San Diego are hardly ever handicap accessible unless you make those changes yourself. Everthing is built into or on top of a hill so theres usually stairs required to go inside. The point is, we cant figure out how to take her anywhere. So we sat and nrought her gifts and visited for a while. She has been having breathing problems and they found some mass on her sternum, so theyre going to have to do an MRI to figure out what it is. So please say a little prayer for my grammy that it isnt anything serious.

I guess I should also update on my weight. I weighed myself after a run yesterday which is always a bad idea, and didn't like what I saw. I'm just going to pretend I didn't see it anyway. But I went for a 1.6 mile run yesterday and this morning decided to push another half-loop around the lake for 2 miles. I wound up getting to that 2 mile spot, and telling myself "just keep going for a full lap, dummy." So I kept going. It was HARD. But I made it. So my total distance was 2.4 technically, but let's just call it 2 and a half miles :) This is my longest run, AND I didn't stop except for 1 time when I was messing with my phone (because pandora SUCKS) and I missed the SpiBelt and dropped my phone onto the trail. So I stopped, picked it up, and kept going.

Imagine my disappointment when I clicked on my Nike Running App to see this:

That bitch just stopped recording my run at 1.9 miles. Thanks a lot! Oh well. I know I did it, and that's all that matters I guess.

Sooooooo on the whole topic of pushing yourself, I kind of had a breakthrough today. It stems from a conversation I had with my aunt and uncle at Christmas. See, my uncle was in the navy for 31 years. My aunt was enlisted for like 4 years and that's how they met. I have a ton of family who have also done careers or are doing careers in various military branches. I have definitely thought about the possibility of going to OCS (Officer Candidate School) and doing 4 or 6 years in the Navy. But we all know I have a long way to go physically if that were to ever happen. Anyway, I was talking to them about my current money issues and job frustrations, and my uncle said "why don't you join the Navy?" Like it was no big deal. At first I literally laughed at him. Then he explained how there's a whoel business side to the Navy, which is totally true. And the money is not only good, it's extremely steady and secure. I could also get to see some cool parts of the world. I'm not tied down to anything. I could TOTALLY DO IT. I can already DO the physical requirements (with the exception of swimming, which my friend is going to start teaching me tomorrow), just not in the time frames they require. So I'm seriously considering IF in the next 6 months I STILL haven't found anything better that will really boost my career in the direction I want it to go, I may just start full-on preparing to apply to Navy OCS. I'm sure y'all think I'm crazy, but whatever. I know I can do it. I ran 2.5 miles today without stopping and less than a month ago I couldn't go 2 miles without stopping. And as far as the mean instructors go, I am extremely gifted at blocking things out. Whether it's people or noise, I can block it out. I can literally just pretend I'm listening to someone and not actually be hearing them at all. So if I know I can do whatever it is they're telling me to do, it will not matter if they're screaming at me or calling me a fat lazy SOB or whatever. I know this about myself.

So anyhoo. sorry for the novel. I hope y'all had a great Christmas, and if anyone reads this...please tell me what you think of my crazy idea to possible join the military.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's crazy, I think it's an AMAZING idea! Good pay, you'd be in great physical shape, and you'd get to see the world... abso-freakin-lutely! Scary, I'm sure... but I bet you'd be SO glad you did it in the end!
