Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Finish-the-Sentence

Hey fools. Today I'm partaking in another one of Holly and Jake's Finish the Sentence Linkups, because I like them.

And this time it's Christmas-themed!


1. My favorite Christmas was....1997, when I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a crying puppy outside my door. I found the cutest, sweetest little puppy ever. My uncle had "played Santa" and brought him over in the middle of the night, so I legitimitely thought Santa had brought him. He also had a big bow tied around his neck. I named him Buddy, and he was with us for 12 wonderful years :)

2. The worst Christmas I had...I think I was maybe 8 or 9 years old and on Christmas Eve I got the stomach flu. I was puking (and other things) all night. I felt better the next day, but it sucked in the moment.

3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" was...I honestly don't know the answer to this one.

4. One year I....Knew one of my gifts from my dad was the new Gwen Stefani CD (so I was about 14) and I just couldn't wait till Christmas to listen to it. So I carefully unwrapped it, downloaded it onto my iTunes, and re-wrapped it and stuck it back under the tree. Yep.

5. I think the worst gift to give is....GIFT CARDS. I. HATE. GIFT. CARDS. Seriously, I think they're the most thoughtless present you can give someone. Sorry for my rant.

6. At Christmastime I typically....Go nuts with decorations and play Christmas music as soon as (and sometimes earlier than) it's somewhat socially acceptable.

7. Typically, family Christmas....I haven't had to worry about this yet. We have no family here so we usually spend Christmas morning just my mom and I (now that grandma's in the nursing home), go visit her, and then go to my non-biological aunt and uncle's house, where we drink lots of wine and eat lots of good food.

8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday season....Ummmmm it would last longer!! And people wouldn't get so crazy about shopping and instead focus on what it's all about.

9. It is so hard to buy dad. I've made a tradition out of buying him boxer shorts that are funny, because he never wants anything. He's a very simple being. He likes to be outside, naked. Yes, he's a nudist. Don't ask.

10. My favorite Christmas tradition is... Going to church on Christmas Eve. I know, not very exciting. But I just love it. My church is pretty over-the-top on Christmas and usually there's thousands of people that show up, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

11. Santa, baby, bring me a .... fat wad of money so I can pay off my debts! Also, the man of my dreams, please.

Alright, that's all for me! Hope everyone's having a great Thursday and I can't wait to read everyone's posts!


  1. OMG I ALWAYS WANTED A PUPPY!!! What a dream come true!! He is super cute too!!

  2. Ok, so you should totally win the link-up Target gift card because the fact that you just threw out there that your dad is a nudist is pretty damn awesome!!

  3. oh my...your dad sounds like an interesting person! haha!
    thanks for linking with us, and Merry Christmas to you and your mom and non-biological aunt and uncle!

  4. #1- that is awesome! What kind of pup was he? He's gorgeous!
    #4- that is also freaking awesome!! Smart girl ;-)


    1. He was awesome! He was a golden retriever/australian shepherd mix. So he looked like a black golden retriever with a cropped tail hahaha. But he was soooooo good. I miss him every day!
